Our Outreach Events
Educating our community about STEM and FIRST is extremely important to our team. Support through outreach events focused on introducing STEM to youth in our community is the main objective of our outreach efforts. Finding opportunities to engage young students in STEM activities is especially crucial because we believe the young kids in our community are our future engineers and innovators.
Robot demo at the Loyal Order of the Moose
Tractor Supply Co. Demo Day
Ashland Strawberry Festival
USA Science & Engineering Festival Booz-Hamilton/FIRST
Help the Hungry - "Fill the Truck" food drive
Robot demo at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden's Nature Connects
Spaghetti supper fundraiser at The Women of the Ashland Moose Lodge
Bake sale at Ashland Tractor Supply Co.
Robot demo at the Moose Lodge Fall Festival
Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV)
Volunteering in key roles at FIRST Tech Challenge events
Mentoring FIRST Tech Challenge team 10567
Mentoring FIRST Tech Challenge team 5429
Developing and presenting a CSA session for Virginia FRC Workshop
Mentoring PTC CAD training sessions at both FTC and FRC Workshops
Teaching C++ sessions at FRC Workshop
To be continued...